Wall design with logo

Wall design with logo for office space

Color concept and wall design for a doctor's office in Stuttgart. The practice logo was affixed to a large area on the wall in the stairwell and corridor.

Wall design with logo
Wall in a corridor with logo
Das Logodesign wurde um die Ecke herum montiert
wall design for a doctor's office
Wall design for the practice entrance
wall design

I also designed the website and various other printed materials for this doctor's office:

Website for doctor's office
Practice logo and other stationery
Various flyers for doctor's offices


  • Concept/Design
  • Production handling

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Doctor's office

"A very good understanding of our ideas and needs - the execution of the creative process was outstanding for all media - very fast service and totally reliable!"
Dr. A. Zsolnai, Specialised Practice for Addictive Medicine, Stuttgart, Germany